Samanids Mausoleum In Bukhara

Samanids Mausoleum In Bukhara

Samanids Mausoleum In Bukhara Highlights

The Samanids Mausoleum In Bukhara was built in the 10th century and is located in the North-Western part of Bukhara, Uzbekistan, just outside its historic centre. The mausoleum is considered one of the iconic examples of the early Islamic architecture and is known as the oldest funerary building of the Central Asian architecture. You should visit this to experience it while in Uzbekistan Tours.

History Of The Samanids Mausoleum In Bukhara :

During the 10th century, Samanid's capital, Bukhara, was a major political, trade and cultural center that patronized science, architecture, medicine, arts and literature. Cultural and economic prosperity was fueled by Samanids' strategic positioning along the trade routes. It is also called as Ismail Samani Mausoleum Bukhara as it was built by Ismail.

Samanids Mausoleum In Bukhara
Samanids Mausoleum In Bukhara
Samanids Mausoleum In Bukhara

Samanids Mausoleum In Bukhara Architecture And Design:

The monument marks a new era in the development of Persian and Central Asian architecture, which was revived after the Arab conquest of the region.

Many researches noted that the structure is made similar to the open, four-arched, often square in shape, Zoroastrian fire temples from Sassanian Iran, commonly known as chahar taq in Persian - a reference to Samanids claim of Sassanian descent. It is one of the main tomb of the samanid dynasty.

Samanids Mausoleum In Bukhara Highlighted Point Of Attraction:

The main highlighted point of attraction of the Samanids Mausoleum In Bukhara is the pre-lslamic Soghdian architecture, which used four-arch domed compositions and diminished forms on the top of buildings, including disks and rosettes on decoration columns. It is one of the Tourist Attractions in Uzbekistan. It can also be seen in the section between the dome and the drum of the interior. You will need to visit to see this attraction as per Uzbekistan Travel guide.

Samanids Mausoleum In Bukhara is one in the best places to visit in Bukhara and you will need to visit the place while in Uzbekistanm and make full of your Pilgrimage tour.

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