Kutlug Timur Minaret

Kutlug Timur Minaret

Introduction About Kutlug Timur Minaret

Built in 1011 during Khwarazmian Dynasty, Kutlug Timur Minaret is the highest minaret with a height of 62 meters, in Central Asia, is one of the major attractions in Turkmenistan Tours. The minaret is in a conical shape  while the circular trunk is divided by eighteen belts and three belts of inscriptions in Kufi. The height of the minaret is 60 meters and additional 2 meters on the top whereas the diameter is 12 metres at the base. As per the historians, there was a wooden Iranian lantern which had burned during a fire. 

Famous as one of the Turkmenistan Highlights, The minaret’s work has begun in the 11th century under the governor Abu-Abbas Mamun (1009-17) in the reign of Kutlug Timur. But the work was not completed in the time period between 1321 and 1326, which was the ruling time of Kutlug Timur till his death. According to Jonathan Bloom, the archaeologist and minaret professor, the work may have completed by Kutlug-Timur and was destroyed in the Mongol invasions in 1221. 

Before some years, the plinth part of Minaret and its territory were entirely restored. In 1928, the lowest inscription on the band was translated in 1928 and attributes to Qutlugh Timur. But the two upper bands are carved with Quranic versions.

Location Of Turabek Kutlug Timur Minaret

Kutlug Timur Minaret is located in Kunya-Urgench of Dashoguz province at the northern part of Turkmenistan.

Kutlug Timur Minaret
Kutlug Timur Minaret
Kutlug Timur Minaret

Kutlug Timur MinaretHighlighted Point Of Attractions

As a Turkmenistan – Places Of Attractions, Kutlug Timur Minaret has the rare and bold design distinguished from other minarets of 11th and 12th centuries. It is decorated with a band of bricks and few turquoise tiles.

There was an Iranian lantern from which the beams over-handing in the brickwork were remained. The screw ladder of 145 steps leads to the lantern from where the people from where reach the top and observe the beautiful sights. But unfortunately it has ruined nowadays.

The decoration of blue glazed tiles can be seen. In Turkmenistan Tours, you can enter through an arched doorway on its west face. The west facade is situated seven meters above the ground level and was accessed from an adjoining structure.
There are two doorways on the balcony which was located at the height of fifty-one meters. There are no windows on stairwell.

March to early June and September to October is the best Travel Time To Visit Turkmenistan.

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