Railways In Uzbekistan

Railways In Uzbekistan

Transportation through Uzbekistan Railways

The system of Railways In Uzbekistan is around 4,669 km of which 2,446 km is electrified. Connecting Tashkent with Amu Darya is the main line of the Trans Caspian Railroad. On your Uzbekistan Tours you will witness other rail links between Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan.

Top Uzbekistan Passenger Trains

The Railways In Uzbekistan are of various varieties like Afrosiyob, Sharq, night trains and Ozbekistan.

  • Afrosiyob : Among all Uzbekistan Trains, Afrosiyob is the fastest train in Uzbekistan, and it offers a quick and comfortable travel between Tashkent, Samarkand and Bukhara.

  • Sharq : The Sharq is another part of Uzbekistan Railways and makes regular journeys on the Tashkent-Samarkand-Bukhara route, travelling at a speed of up to 140km/h.

  • Night trains : The Train Travel In Uzbekistan is best in the Night trains as they travel more slowly (with a maximum speed of 90km/h) and offer a fun ride. You will get more time to sleep during the journey.

  • Ozbekistan : Your Uzbekistan Tours By Train is incomplete without experincing the Ozbekiston trains. It is a modern train operated by Uzbekistan Railways and makes regular journeys between Tashkent and Andijan, with short stops in Pap, Kokand, and Margilan.

Railways In Uzbekistan
Railways In Uzbekistan
Railways In Uzbekistan

Follow the Railways map on your Uzbekistan Tours

Below is the Uzbekistan Railways map describing the rail network and tips on route planning on your Uzbekistan Tours. There are many other varieties of Railways In Uzbekistan like Fast and Slow Rail networks as mentioned below:

Fast trains navigate along the following networks:

  • Tashkent - Bukhara (4 hr)

  • Tashkent - Samarkand (2 hr)

  • Samarkand - Bukhara (1,5 hr)

  • Tashkent - Qarshi - Shahrisabz

While Slower trains take the same route but operate two times slower.

The ultimate Uzbekistan train experience – EuroAsia Travel

It is a day for remembrance to ensure the continuity of national values, the memory of patriotism, and the bravery of ancestors. It is mainly celebrated to show respect to older generations. It is another popular Public Holidays in Uzbekistan

With EuroAsia Travels you will not only experince the most comfortable rail journey but also the most exciting and fun tour of all. Our experinced Uzbekistan Travel Guide will help you undertand the various details of the Railway network in Uzbekistan. Our detailed Uzbekistan Tour FAQs will help to clear your queries regarding the Uzbekistan Tourism and various destinations to visit in this gorgeous country. Apart from this our Uzbekistan Travel Advice will help you pack the right items for your tour and help you save more and travel more on your journey.

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