Uzbekistan Rivers

Uzbekistan Rivers

Uzbekistan Rivers Overview

Geographically, most part of Uzbekistan lies between the two largest Uzbekistan Rivers in Central Asia. The rivers in Central Asia became a cradle of the ancient states and famous among the Uzbekistan Attractions which tells the story about ancient civilizations for several times.

However, all Uzbekistan Rivers were generated directly or indirectly from the mountain ranges. The great rivers fed by hundreds of small rivers which are flowing from Tien Shan and Pamir mountain ranges. From a long time, waters are used for irrigation, fishing and shipping.

Location Of Uzbekistan Rivers

This tour will take you to the Sufi holy places of Tashkent, Samarkand and Bukhara.

Amu Darya River

Formed by the junction of the Vaksh and Panj rivers in Tigrovaya Balka Natural Reserve, Amudarya River flows from north-west to south of Aral Sea Lake. Amudarya River is the largest and deepest river among all Uzbekistan Rivers in Central Asia and runs 1400 kilometres through the territories of Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. As per the name , Darya, means , River, whereas, Amu, comes from the ancient city Amul.

Uzbekistan Rivers
Uzbekistan Rivers
Uzbekistan Rivers

Syr Darya River

Syr Darya River was formed near Namagan, Fergana Valley at the junction of Kyrgyz Naryn and Kara Darya rivers. With a length of 2200 kilometres, Syr Darya flows through the Kokand region, ancient Khujand city of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Known as the Yaksart which means “pearl river”, Syr Darya River has a hydropower station and several reservoirs. On Uzbekistan Tours, the tourists love to visit the famous Kairakkum and Chardarya rivers.

Zerafshan River

Zerafshan River was formed in the depth of Zarafshan Moubtains and half of its length is in the territory of Tajikistan. With a length of 877 kilometres, Zerafshan means “gold-bearing” in Persian. On the river bank, major cities like Samarkand and Bukhara of Uzbekistan were founded.

Surxondarya River

With a length of 175 kilometres, Surxondarya River is the right affluent of Amu Darya River in Uzbekitsan.

Chirchiq River

Known as the left tributary of the Chirchiq River, Chatkal River runs through the Jalal-Abad Region of Uzbekistan and Tashkent River in Uzbekistan.

Qashqadaryo River

Qashqadaryo River is located in southern part of Uzbekistan and flows through Qarshi city, the capital of Qashqadaryo province with a length of 378 kilometre. It was formed from Zerafshan River.

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