Amir Timur Museum Of Tashkent

Amir Timur Museum Of Tashkent

Overview About Amir Timur Museum Of Tashkent :

Established in 1996, Amir Timur Museum is dedicated to the Mongol warlord Amir Timur and the most popular of Uzbekistan Tours.

Amir Temur Museum in Tashkent is an important landmark in the city and an example of refining architecture. For the great work of Amir Temur, 1996 was known as Year of Amir Temur. Amir Temur Square Monument Tashkent combination makes the view more beautiful.

Amir Timur Museum Of Tashkent
Amir Timur Museum Of Tashkent
Amir Timur Museum Of Tashkent

History Of Amir Timur Museum Of Tashkent :

Uzbekistan Amir Temur Museum was established in 1996, the 660th birth anniversary of Amir Temur. Amir Temur has a major contribution towards uniting people and nations and played a major role in the development of science, education, culture, architecture, fine arts, music, and poetry. He was also famous as a great politician, and warlord.

Main Asset Of Amir Timur Museum :

Built-in the style of the oriental architecture, Amir Temur Museum is a round shape building, topped by a huge blue dome. The interior of the Amir Temur museum is richly decorated with marble, pillars, paintings, eastern miniature, and tinsel. The building looks fabulous with a canopy whereas the walls of the halls are decorated with the paintings. These gorgeous painting reflects the life and work activities of Amir Temur and also the history of Uzbekistan.

Also known as Tashkent Museum, there are more than 5000 artifacts show the most important facts about the history of this region. There are also a lot of paintings and other historical documents related to the life of Amir Timur, manuscripts, weapons, old clothes, utensils, and various coins.

In Amir Temur Museum, there are 2000 objects has kept as the showcase of the museum's exhibit halls. Around Amir Temur square, Tashkent chime is another monument known for its architectural beauty.

As per Uzbekistan Travel Advice, spring and autumn season is the Best Time To Visit Uzbekistan. These two seasons come from April to May and September to early November.

There are numerous Uzbekistan Museums to choose from and on your Tashkent Tours our most important Uzbekistan Travel Guide For Back papers it to start planning early to avail the best offers on our travel packages.

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